First, we must separate religious solicitation from product/service solicitation. Since they are technically not selling anything, religious solicitation is protected by the U.S. Constitutional First Amendment right to "Freedom of Religion". Therefore, religious solicitors cannot be denied even when "no solicitation" signs are posted.
But product/service solicitors cannot solicit in Lake Forest because it's a No Solicitation neighborhood, right? Not necessarily. The City of Huntsville has provided these solicitors with a loophole to combat "no solicitation" neighborhoods such as Lake Forest. If the solicitor pays a fee, he/she can be granted a solicitation license and badge from the City which allows them to solicit door-to-door, in any neighborhood, regardless if the neighborhood has a posted No Solicitation sign. The only way around the City's loophole is to have a No Solicitation sign posted on an individual residence.
Since the Lake Forest covenants prevent sign displays without prior approval, the ARC has approved a discrete No Solicitation sign that residents can, with written approval from the ARC, post at their front doors to combat this nuiscance and prevent those solicitors with a soliciation license from disturbing them.
For further information about the approved No Solicitation sign, please contact the HOA Office.